Class Presence in Distance Education

    Distance education with its different nature from classical educatin does not seem to be different in essence, in core. Same elements have to be present and ready for learning to occur. One of those elements is the presence in the class. To make sure that there is successful learning, presence have to be achieved in three areas: social, cognitive and teaching. 

    Cognitive presence is an area where the process is done in order to motivate students into critical thinking and also autonomous learning. It has four stages whose boundries are not drawn strictly: 

triggering: drawing attention of students done by the lecturer

exploration: the part where students ask questions and learn the topic

integration: the stage where they connect their former information with the new information 

resolution: drawing a conclusion.

    Teaching presence is the area where teacher is ready and present. The teacher should be focused on discussion based lessons, should share subjective thoughts in order to keep the lesson interesting and should prepare the lessons in relation. Reason why the discussion is important brings us to the final area: social presence.
    Social presence means that in order for learning to be successful, social interaction beyond virtual presence must occur in such ways that also include discussing, opinion sharing, brainstorming.


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